
Core Java

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Core Java training provides you the foundation for Java language that will cover language syntax, object oriented concepts, exception handling, multithreading, File Handling, Input/Output Streams and debugging on Eclipse IDE. 

This training starts with an assumption of no background software programming experience, and thus we gradually take you to the level of preparation for job interview and/or course certification. This training also lays foundation for learning further technologies such as Android, Java Enterprise Edition, and etc.

Topics Covered
→ Core Java
→ Git Version Control

Price: $1000 CAD
Prerequisite: None
Duration: 12 Weeks
Schedule:  To enroll to this course, Please send us an email to contact@sanrus.ca

1) Introduction to Java
  1. Java History
  2. Source file and their rules
  3. What is .class file?
  4. JDK and JVM
  5. Setting environment variables and class path
  6. Using Eclipse IDE
  7. Hello World Program
  8. Compiling and Executing a Java program
  9. Java Keywords
2) Data Types, Variables and their Scope & Lifetime
  1. Java History
  2. Source file and their rules
  3. What is .class file?
  4. JDK and JVM
  5. Setting environment variables and class path
  6. Using Eclipse IDE
  7. Hello World Program
  8. Compiling and Executing a Java program
  9. Java Keywords
3) Arrays
  1. Declaration and Initialization of Array
  2. Discussion on various ways to declare and initialize an array
  3. One, Two and Three dimensional array usage
4) Operators
  1. Arithmetic
  2. Bitwise
  3. Relational
5) Control Statements
  1. Selection statements (If-elseif-else, switch)
  2. Loop statements (while, do-while, for)
  3. Jump statements (break, continue and return)
6) Introduction to Object Oriented Concepts
  1. Class and Objects
  2. Object Variables and Methods
  3. Method overloading
  4. Constructors
  5. Constructor Overloading
  6. How objects are stored in memory
  7. this' keyword
  8. Calling constructors using 'this()
7) Inheritance
  1. Inheritance concepts
  2. How objects use inheritance to scale the program
  3. Method Overloading in inheritance
  4. Constructor chaining
  5. Method Overriding
8) Access and Non Access Modifiers
  1. private, protected, public and (default) access levels
  2. final, static, abstract, transient, synchronized and volatile keywords
9) Packages and Imports
  1. Creating packages and importing the classes in source files
  2. Static imports
10) Polymorphism
  1. Dynamic method dispatch
  2. Polymorphism in Method Overloading and Overriding
11) Interface
  1. Why interface?
  2. Constants in interface
  3. Polymorphism in interface
  4. Default methods in interface : Java 7 onwards
12) Exceptional Handling
  1. try, catch, finally, throw, throws
  2. Checked and Unchecked exceptions
13) Multithreading
  1. Thread and Runnable
  2. Thread states
  3. Synchronization and Deadlock concepts
  4. wait(), notify(), notifyAll()
14) Input & Output (IO) Streams
  1. File Handling
  2. Byte and Character IO Streams
  3. Reading and Writing to a file
  4. Serialization and Deserialization
15) Java Collections Framework
  1. Introduction to Data Structures in Java
  2. List, Map, Set, Queue and Stack data structures
16) Miscellaneous Concepts
  1. Enums
  2. Introductin to Generics in Java